My Profile

Who Am I?

My name is Amin Jalal Elhilo, a 13 years old nerd who is interested in Softwared Development.

I am Sudanese, Currently living in Saudi Arabia.

What is my skils?

I know how to program in different languages, for example I can create GUI using Tkinter library in Python, and I can create websites using Javascript, HTML, CSS.

I am currently still developing my skills, mostly focused on Javascript, as web development in general.

My Ambitions for The Future.

I really hope to study software development and specialise in Wev Development.

Why Software Development?!

For me, I love software development because it is so amazing. You can really be creative, and I love the idea of starting something from zeron in a blank sheet, then turning it into a beutiful art piece! 💗💖

Thank you for stoping by, and I hop you best of luck!! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️
